Imagine if when you were a kid you were given a magical, lifetime guaranteed tool, that not only helped you deal with the stresses of life, but also opened you up to a completely different way of looking at yourself, and the world around you. Looking back now as an adult, you would probably be all in! Yoga, which in Sanskrit means union, is the ancient practice of joining the mind, body and heart in a way that fosters inner strength, balance, flexibility and peace of mind. Sounds great for adults, but why kids? Kids today have tons of stress and pressures. They live in a different world than their parents. Their world is a fast paced, electronically driven, social media obsessed, "the pressure is on" kind of world. Yoga, very simply, helps kids feel good about themselves! The beautiful and transformative practice of yoga is non judgmental, non competitive and non exclusive, things you do not often find in other kid activities. Given the chance to participate in a children's yoga class, most kids will naturally be open to yoga philosophies and teachings. Children of all ages can benefit immensely on both a physical level and physiological level. The gift of yoga can help build self aware, self confident, compassionate kids who are prepared to face life's ups and downs with strength and grace.